Monday, August 10, 2009

First Steps

Dustin with his cousin, Brandon and his friend, Brandon. Suzie posted some of wedding pics and so I looked through my pictures from her wedding and his is what I found.

We finally took the first step towards being a married couple...we SCHEDULED ENGAGEMENT PICTURES! Whew! That was hard! We are going to have them done the evening of Saturday, August 22. The photographer (Sarah Paul's friend) says the lighting is at its best and it won't be so hot. We are still deciding where we are going to take the pictures. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I have a couple of ideas of my own, but of course I am not a native here and don't have a lot of ideas or even know the best places out there! I also need ideas on what to wear! Jadyn already offered a couple of her items, but I told her I was thinking of buying something new...I didn't know what else to say to such a nice offer! The photographer is going to brainstorm too. I am going to go look at at least one place this week with or without someone...who is sick. Do I have any volunteers?

I love looking at people's pictures, so here is a fun one...

My nephews and me. There is one more nephew somewhere...

He is getting a hair cut and he is NOT happy! Obviously the bottle isn't helping...but don't mind me...I was just snapping pictures on my blackberry why the poor guy cried his eyes out!

It is way past my bed time. I keep trying to get up early in the morning to go run, but it just doesn't happen. I am really good about going after work so I should probably just stick to that time. We'll see.

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