Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas...just in case.

OK! OK! So it has been another month since I posted anything! I can tell you that I have been busy, but I also remember several times I could have logged in and posted something. Sorry! Like I said before, computer time at home is no longer fun for me. I have pretty much burnt out my computer at work they are buying me a new one...I ordered it today! My hands feel like they have carpal tunnel so I'm sure I will have a to wear wrists braces on both hands by the time I'm 30.

Anyway, the wedding planning is coming along finally! I went to New Mexico for Thanksgiving and my mom and I went and started looking as soon as I stepped off the plane. My biggest hurdle has become people responding to our correspondence...or not responding should I say. I'm sure it is because it is the holidays but they are going to have to work with me since I live out of town...oh yeah, we are having the wedding in Albuquerque. I could have it both ways, Houston vs. Albuquerque. Enough said about that. Anyway, the plan currently is to have the ceremony at the church my parents married in. Then there is a hotel down the street where we will be having the ceremony. The tentative date is June 12. I will know for sure after tomorrow. Dustin and I are arguing...I mean planning a mock reception based on so many people.

Yesterday was a little tragic for my children. They both went to the vet and lived through the neutering process. The kitty is a haus and was doing flips and tricks after his surgery. Max wasn't that excited. I didn't think he was going to live through the night. He was making noises I have never heard out of him before. He was in so much pain. I paid extra for pain medicine for both of them but Max wouldn't eat anything. For the easy one (the kitty), they gave me a liquid med...for the sickest one (Max), they gave me a big pill. SMART PEOPLE! I wanted to call their emergency line to see if I could just give Max the feline liquid medicine. It truly broke my heart to see Max in so much pain. I wish I could have taken the pain for myself. I started to regret taking him in the first place. Today he is feeling much better though and soon he won't even remember. Well, hopefully. Yesterday morning was probably the last time he happily jumps in the car by himself. Next time I am going to have to pry him away from home.

Jadyn comes on the 18th so we put up a Christmas tree. I was totally against it saying we should just save our money and buy one next year but this is Dustin's first Christmas with his daughter so he demanded we have one...(that's what I like, a man that knows what he wants!) He went and bought one with some ornaments and it is BEAUTIFUL. I'm really glad he made such a good decision. Now if he would help plan instead of being so opinionated about the wedding....hmmmmm.

If I don't post a permanent date or news about the date within the next couple of days, feel free to email me! I hope everyone is enjoying this CHRISTmas season. American seems to forget the reason we have Christmas. Make sure your Christmas cards mention CHRIST. Sadly more and more items say "Season's Greetings" or "Happy HOlidays." I ordered cookies in these cute tins for our favorite clients. I made sure I purchased the "Merry Christmas" tins and the lady called me to point out which tins I had ordered...I let her finish her sentence and then gracefully told her I was perfectly aware of my order and they should provide more options (I only had one choice!) Anyway, pray for our country. It was built on Christian values and no one, including our President, obviously has not read the Constitution in quite some time. In God we Trust is not a past time as far as I'm concerned.

So...Have a Merry Christmas!!

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