Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A New Life

Babies are beautiful. Congratulations to Bryon and Brittany Frank (Brittany is Dustin's cousin). They had their first baby together tonight. Her name is Presley and she weighs 8 lbs 15 oz. We got to be 2 of the first few people that saw her in her first few minutes of life. She is so beautiful! She was very entertaining with all of her funny faces. I took pictures with my phone...

So engagement pictures went well I think. We don't get to see them for another week so that kind of stinks but I'm not too worried. Since I was in kindergarten, I could never find the right outfit for school pictures and my mom would always make me wear something that I did not want to wear. Well, no wonder she MADE me wear what she picked out. I can't seem to picture what I want to wear. I'm not kidding when I say I was changing shirts 1 minute before I walked out the door for pictures. I was almost in tears on the way because I was so mad at myself for not being able to just pick something simple. Instead, I wore this shirt that I wear to work frequently. It is collared and has a ruffle on it...a ruffle! For my engagement pictures! I have known about pictures for 3 weeks and I didn't even have my outfits sorted out. What is wrong with me??? I was able to take another outfit, but instead of taking a whole other outfit, I took one other shirt. I thought that shirt was cute but I wore it with the same jeans and crappy shoes. I had these cute khaki pants I wanted to wear and I didn't take them. Can I rewind back to Saturday and take these all over again? The only good thing that came out of Saturday was I had my makeup done. I met a girl at the Cos Bar in the Woodlands and she said she would do my make up anytime. She did a great job! OH and I found Jadyn a cute outfit too. Maybe I was just focusing too much on what she wanted to wear. Yes, that has to be it...I was worried about Jadyn because she wanted to wear the crazy purple, blue and pink dress with bows all over it. Instead I had her wear a jean skirt with a white shirt with little gems on it. So everyone looked great except me with my big ruffles. Go figure! Sorry Mom for all the crap I have given you about clothes. Why can't we just wear the same thing everyday like the Flintstones?

Stay tuned and I will give you directions on how to look at the pictures once I get them. Again, CONGRATULATIONS Brittany and Bryon and another Congratulations to Linda and Bob. Linda and Bob are grandparents for the first time!

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